Saturday, March 31, 2007

Me Deaf-Mute? Not ...


Lantana said...

Good for you! 'For speaking up AND standing by what you believe in.

"Mute" -- that word bothers me. If you are MUTE, you cannot communicate,right? Have you ever seen a WOMAN who cannot communicate?

That's what I thought. What's wrong with just "deaf"? Why elaborate?

I often introduce myself as being "deaf and I read lips". Period, why go into detail and demean yourself?

Golly,gee! Thanks for your post, I enjoyed it.

Lantana's Latitudes

mochame said...

I like to called myself as DEAF, I don't know if i am deaf-mute. I hate to say that but that is my choice. If i meet any deaf people wanted deaf-mute which is fine with me.

Anonymous said...

Mute is more appropriate for one who does not make a sound. Most deaf do make sounds. Some deaf don't and they are "mute". Even hearing can be mute. I think we all should call ourselves whatever we feel is appropriate. Let's stop critizing others if they want to use it for themselves.

mishkazena said...


Diane said she respects others who want to call themselves deaf-mute. I have no problem with that, either.

Barb DiGi said...

It all depends on how one defines what a deaf mute was. If you look at Ella's blog, she mentioned that deaf mute doesn't mean it measures one who could speak. Deaf mute can apply to those who can use speech as they tend to sign without voice.

It is just a matter of reclaiming the word to make it more positive. Look at the word used to be a negative word as viewed by the Native Americans but now it was reclaimed (this was mentioned in my vlog's comments on "Bite your Bullets Cowboys, Let the Squaw show you her arrows" as you can see the link).

I just thought it was interesting to see how the word and the definition change however deaf mute to be used outside the deaf world may be more misunderstood.

Anonymous said...

Deaf can apply to those who can use speech as they tend to sign(SEE and PSE) with voice.

Anonymous said...

Deaf mute can apply to those who can use ASL as they tend to sign without voice.

Anonymous said...

I still consider myself Deaf - not Deaf-mute .. but thanks for sharing this with me anyway.

susan said...

I understand what you say.. Mute mean can't speak.. You are deaf and some can speak same as me . But Deaf can't speak and can't read lip. They are deaf mute nothing wrong with it. Two side different.

Anonymous said...

Who do you think you are? Are you speaking for us Deaf World? NEVER NEVER call us DEAF MUTE! Call us Deaf or Hard of Hearing...did you just wake up from the year of 1800's?

Squ65 said...

Anon (date April 9th at 12:03) - you misunderstood me. Thanks Smile Diane