Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Deaf and Tinnitus - Help!

I have a severe case of Tinnitus and How to deal with it.


tayler said...

I suffer from tinnitus. There's not much I can do to entirely eliminate it. I try to eat and sleep well and to minimize stress.

Anonymous said...

I used to have lousy tinnitis problems related to vertigo bouts. It gets so bad when under stress etc. I remember it lasted me like 7 to 9 years with headaches and nausea. I believe stress is the major cause. There are many other factors like food allergies. Check for allergy to foods, caffeine etc.

For me I finally rode it out by just get stress out of my life.

Tinnitis is common among deaf people for many reasons. From my experience, first test all allergies etc first. Cut down and if possible stop taking asprins, acetaminopehn, and ibuprofen. They do cause ear ringing if taken too much. Sleep more than 8 hours religiously. Foods, chemical, and having enough rest are what we just basically need to keep ourselve balanced. Start with this.

There are any many factors but yes we can overcome tinnitis at the most of time because me having it almost everyday for - - 9 years and now nothing at all, sure we CAN!

Anonymous said...

You should investigate the possibility that inflammation in your ear is the cause of the tinnitus. If there is inflammation caused by a medical condition, then you can possibly reverse the inflammation, and cure the tinnitus.

There are many possible causes of inflammation. One possibility is a food allergy. You can start a "rotary diet" to discover if you are allergic to any foods, then eliminate them from your diet.

OCDAC said...

10 minutes on a vibrating chair set on high gives me a decent break from my tinnitus episodes.

Anonymous said...

I notice that I get tinnitus when I'm extremely tired and "zone off".

Usually the best cure for it for me is to get some sleep.

I found two informative websites on this subject. Maybe it'll help?



Erick Ketcham

Anonymous said...

I have Meniere's, disease, the dizziness was really bad, i had tinnitus, eventually i had to have surgery to put a shunt in to relieve the fluid, ive felt better after the surgery especially the dizziness and the ringing of ears. Normally when i am allergic to something like gasoline, my ears start to ring so i know immediately that im allergic to something. I either take antihistimine medicine or wait for it to go away.

Anonymous said...

I had Meniere's syndrome and it was so bad. When I awake in the morning I have to be careful not to get up fast otherwise the spinning (vertigo) gets so bad.

The surgeon thinks it came from ear infections when I was young.

I tried cochlear implants and the vertigo went away. But this is not for everyone.

The ringing in the ears drives people nuts and I had those (train noises, and telephone ringing). I understand why Van Gogh chopped his ear off because it can cause people insanity.


Judge said...

Perhaps little too much salt on food that you may not realize. Cut it down.

Other responses are very good suggestions.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I have it too, it is constant although it does ebb and flow. The way I deal with it is to ignore it. Adapting to it and treating it as a fact of life was the best way for me to handle it. It may be different for others.

Squ65 said...

Yes no salt, cut down stress etc etc ... I have a Meniere's disease and BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) .. oh well. Tinnitus crawls back again inside of my left ear. Grrr ....

Anonymous said...

You need to be seen by Otolaryngology specialist.

Good luck.


Anonymous said...

I just developed tinnitus last month, and it hasn't stopped since. Went to a Ear, Nose, Throat specialist and after drawing about a gallon of blood and a MRI, he didn't find anything. He suspects its a ear/sinus infection. Said to give it some time.

It is frustrating yes, to wake up everyday with this noise in my head. I am just putting my trust in God, and trying to live my life normally.

You are in my prayers.

Todd Miller

Anonymous said...

When I was a child wearing body aids with two earmolds, I had lots of trouble with tinnitus and recruitment...it was like the noise never shut off. At times I couldn't tell if the aids were on or off, so constant was the noise.

When it was bothersome at night, I used to imagine it was angels playing music.

After switching to behind-the-ear aids, it lessened, but still became worse when fresh batteries caused the aids to work more loudly.

Now that I no longer wear aids, the total silence is a blessing. No more tinnitus. Occasionally I will hear a scream close to my ear, or the horn from a passing train, or loud explosions like fireworks. Then tinnitus happens again for several hours until it fades away.

Turning down the volume on the aids doesn't work...it was either be deaf or put up with the noise.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your problem. I have meniere's disease for many years. I went to an ear, nose and throat specialist in John Hopkins hospital in Balitmore MD and had several extensive tests. My doctor decided to give me a list of food that I should avoid....like onions, chesse, pinto and lima beans. Try to limit up to 2000mg of sodium per day. I have been taking dyazide 37.5 capsule pill ("water pill") per day. For an emergency, I will take a valium pill (small dosage) to calm my tinnitus. Very wonderful for me. I could not believe that it really help me a lot. No more tinnitus or nausea or dizziness or sickness for many years. I believe that the major problem was sodium. I have learned to avoid taking too much sodium. Sometimes having stress bothers me a little bit. Hope it may help you. I am aware that you might have a different problem. Good luck....

drmzz said...

That sucks. Can drive you crazy. Had it when I was young. Ear infection issues I suppose. Check Internet for more info.

Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...

I used to suffer Ménière's Disease
that happened everyday for two years and on and off years later. I had to stay at home where I was
home-schooled. After an auto-accident following the dizziness attack, I discovered not from my
doctor but through self-analysis that I lost the equibrium in the left caused by two things.

One cause was the environmental noise that was untolerably loud. Example: I would have a dizzy spell when over 300 students pulled chairs in the large dining room at school. At home, it never
happened. Why? Because my parents
and sibligns did not pull the chairs noisily.

The other cause was the imbalanced
fluid in the left cochlea. How to stop the imbalance is to avoid sleeping on the left side, to avoid looking at the left side where the moving cars passed my left side on the highway.

Solution: Avoid any environmental
noise. Also, find out which left or right cochlea that you have
imbalanced fluid. If in the left
side, sleep on the right side.

I have not had any dizziness attack
since I was 29. I always tell people to sit at the right side if they want to have a conversation with me. Most friends -- except
one -- respect my request. Also in the theater, I always sit on the left side so I would look at the cinema on the right side.

Deaf TeddyBear said...

Oh man, I have this kind of problem as you do have for few years from now, it drives me crazy but trying to get used to it. I was referred to see Ear, Nose, Throat specialist like Todd went to, He said no cure, no treatment or surgery for that. I was disappointed about that. Maybe I use too much salt, or anxiety in my mind about many things happening in my life.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to see that many deafies have Meniere's disease or one person said, Meniere's syndrome. Is that heredity or genetic??

One of my friend had a very severe Meniere's disease, he could not get out of his bed or perform daily functions, and all that. It was really bad. I think he has gotten better now.

Deaf Tea Lady said...


Didn't realize that many deafies suffer from this. I've suffered from tinnitus and vertigo for about 8 years now. I had shunts inserted in both of my ear canals to create equilibirum and it worked somewhat. I take valium daily and it helps stablize. I've noticed if I drink too much caffeine, it worsens. I've also been sold to watch my sodium intake but I've never seen any relationship to sodium intake to my attacks except with caffeine - I am a Diet Coke addict so I switched to caffeine free Diet Coke and it seems to work. What I've noticed the most is season...my attacks seem to be seasonally related - above 90 degrees, I get attacks. Under 90, I am fine. Perhaps something to do with air pressure and heat changing eqibilirium in the ear canals. I dunno. Was told vertigo doesn't normally last beyond 10 years. It seems to correct itself eventually.

Anonymous said...

Is this supposed to be a joke? Review this vlog again with speakers on! It's cant be a tinnitis and something is ringing in your house. Perhap you didn't realize that you can hear?

Deaf Tea Lady said...

Last anonymous,
it is apparent you didn't watch the vlog or are hearing yourself anhd perhaps is unable to undertstand what she was saying or missed some parts. Loud music is often turned on to mask the annoying symptoms of tinnitus. She said so herself in her vlog. I know many tinnitus sufferers to do that, my father included. He wears a headphone to his cd player to mask the ringing with bass sounds from the cd music.

Anonymous said...

I have tinnitus for nearly 5 years following an auto accident (rear-ended by someone). I had occasional tinnitus related to migraine headaches before the accident. After the accident, the severity and length of tinnitus really jumped high. It had gradually gotten worse over the years - As of now, I have it everyday, usually starting in the afternoon. Sleep is the only option to stop it (naps do not work).

At times it would be like a dull roar or whistle - very tolerable for me. Bad days would be the sound of 2 metal pipes banging each other in fast rhythm. That'd put me off for the rest of the day as I cannot focus or make simple decisions.

For me - those things surely will cause tinnitus to start: sleeping less than 8 hours (will cause it to start later in the day - sleeping less than 6 hours will start it much earlier in the morning), flights on a plane, stress, smelling of gasoline (shuttle bus, train), moving my head in a wrong way, fluorescent lights make it even worse, mold (whenever I go to antique stores or go into basement of any building that has mold - tinnitus will start instantly), so on...

To stop tinnitus - go to bed - sleep for 8+ hours. That's only thing that really works for me. I do notice that sitting in hot tub helps sometimes - guess it has something to do with dilating blood vessels - I am exploring into this now.

Salt, cholesterol, high blood pressure, weight, food allergies - all have been ruled out and I still have tinnitus. My doctor who is tinnitus specialist tried different things with me, including medicines, and they didn't work. Ultimately, he suggested me having CI surgery but he felt it was still in experimental stage to treat tinnitus. He said about 90% experienced complete stop of tinnitus, 5-8% saw no difference, and 2-5% experienced much more worse tinnitus. It's the latter that bothers him and of course, me. I rather try everything else first before even considering any type of surgery.

I saw other Vlog about Ginkgo Bilbao - it's new to me - will surely try it as I heard that lack of blood circulation in ear sometimes cause tinnitus.

I am curious whether homeopathic or acupuncture therapy worked for any of you?


Lee said...

Hi Diane,

I fell pretty behind with v/blogs until a vlogger, ASLpride, had recently posted a response to your issue with tinnitus.

I never knew you have been dealing with tinnitus! Since when did that start? I've been suffering from tinnitus for 6 years, but I'm surviving through those crazy noises in my ear/head.

Yeah, hearing aid doesn't always help, like I've stated in the comment which I left on ASLpride's vlog.

Whenever I get to see you again in person, hopefully soon, I'm very sure that we'd be sharing our experience with tinnitus.

Here is ASLpride's response to your vlog...


Don't let tinnitus ruin your fun and your pleasure of living. You're not alone. :)

Your friend,

margo said...

Hi there;
My name is Margo from Barrie, Ontario Canada I am proundly deaf. I have severe veritgo & tinnitus for nine years. I tried everything but the doctors did nothing to help me to cope. Any surgery in Canada or how can I fix my plm my email address is margojulie@rogers.com Look forward to hearing from you Thank you Margo

Celia H. said...

My husband has 50% hearing loss in one ear and not quite so bad in other. He has worked around loud equipment most of his life (airplanes for 25 years and now steel fabricating for the last 7). His ringing started about 1.5 years ago. His doctor put him on high blood pressure medicine, but the ringing is always there; sometimes worse than others.

He doesn't handle stress very well. Interesting post about allergies being an irritant. He smokes and has pretty allergies year-round. He loves Mexican food and cheese nachos, so sodium intake is probably off the chart. He also has large ear wax buildup and grunge in his ear canals maybe from wearing ear plugs all day(?).

One other post mentioned Diet Coke. I used to drink about 3 or 4 cans every day and started to get headaches and ringing. I searched the internet about Aspartame and found a correlation, so I stopped the Diet drinks and really started reading labels to cut out Aspartame. The ringing and headaches went away. My husband doesn't drink "diet anything", but even most chewing gums now have Aspartame, so maybe this is a factor for him.

Thank you each for this site and info. Any specialists in the Dallas, TX area that have worked for any of you?

God bless you,
Celia H.

Shannon & Rowan said...


I found this accidently while researching about my vertigo/tinnitus problem that started about 6 weeks ago. It only affects me when I put on my right hearing aid. I would get dizzy within 5 or 10 minutes after turning on my hearing aid and once in awhile some ringing noise (more like a high buzzing sound) would occur. I'm profoundly deaf so interesting that I am not affected by these symptoms when I have my hearing aids off. Weird. I've been to two audiologists and a doctor, all three do not know what it is. The last audiologist gave me a lecture about stress so I'm now trying to reduce my stress level but I see from some of the responses, that it could take a long time!