Sunday, August 12, 2007

Can CI (Cochlear implant) stop the Tinnitus?

Any suggestion? Is it true? Like to hear from the viewers. Tinnitus is no fun. Dizzy is also no fun either.


deafk said...

I was informed from someone I know that was questioned on this person's health. This person was asked whether s/he had tinnitus. If s/he has one, then s/he is disqualified to be a candidate for CI! Interesting... I would like to hear someone else to prove this wrong!! I have problem with tinnitus myself, too!


Jarom R. Matheson said...

Yes, it does stop tinnitus in most of the cases. Having tinnitus don't disqualify the person from receiving implant. I have a implant since I was two years old and I recently went bilateral. I used to have tinnitus in the unimplanted side but once that side was implanted, the problem went away.

Platonic's Eye said...

You know the truth for what you already discover your own identity when you are born with deaf! Wow how did you know about your identity or you learn to accept your deafness before ci and you wore hearing aids that caused you tinnitus! Interest. I can understand your feeling about whether to have ci or not because you already accept your deafness first place then you are well productive in your life. I can see in your vlog!

Squ65 said...

Socrate --

It is due to the Meniere's disease that I have now. Also BPPV which is called BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL VERTIGO. It is not my hearing aid(s) that cause tinnitus. It started back in '87 and I finally was told by the specialist I have Meniere's and BPPV in '91. Tinnitus has gotten worse now. I dislike the idea of wearing the CI on me but I would like to know about this anyway.

Anne Marie said...

CI can either work or not for tinnitus and dizziness. I used to have vertigo problems and finally rode it out but still have tinnitus from time to time, more noticably if I drink too much red wine.

I am sure you had tried everything until resorting to surgical procedures. I would research to see how good chance CI work for dizziness and tinnitus. I know someone who has the same problem as you have, she went for chemical injection to destroy balance nerves, she had to start to learn walking again but was finally able to get rid of dizziness and tinnutis. It took her a year and she said it is worth it considering she no longer have to throw up and lie in bed several days as often as few times monthly.

I know someone else who had a surgery just to cut the balance nerve and it took her few weeks to regain balance depending on other ear for it. She now feels great. Maybe you can discuss with doctor to see about just have a surgery without having to have a CI unless you are interested to try hearing sounds.

Remember when you get CI at your age, most likely you will only be able to hear sounds and maybe appreciate music but will not be able to understand speech that much.

Judge said...

Probably too much SALT!!

Try to reduce it. I don't mean "the salt you add to your plate". I mean, eliminate the chips, celery, cold cuts, etc etc.

It may help you!

NorthTrue said...

I have same tinnitus myself always on sound like train horn blarr in my ear always. try to stop drink coffee but all is not work at all Even i drink orange juice it s make more ring ring ring . GUess i will live with it. for CI i am afraid to have one. prefer no CI find other cure to stop tinnitus.

I sent message to DISCOVERY two things like tinnitus. my question to them and never return reply to my question... I am DEAF why still i have tinnitus?
other second question
We all have tailbone, why dont we have tail like animals. that irony .

HOpe you can find better to remove tinnitus i am looking forward to see.


Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...

Hi Diane,

I have not had any MeniƩre's Disease (dizzy spells) for more than 30 years. Hearing aids help balance the fluids in the ears. I do not know if hearing aids helps those with the same problem. I know a lady who had never experienced tinnitis or dizzy spells until she got CI. I guess it varies from individual to individual.

Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...


Salt? Oh, really? Your ENT
doctor told you?

Dann T. said...

My name is Dann. I got my CI last year. Brief history. I became deaf when 1 1/2 years old due to high fever-related. I used hearing aids most of my life. In 2000, i lost rest of my hearing overnite. I thought that I can tolerate silence and already accept who i am being a deaf person, signing, etc. anyway, over the years from 2000 to 2006, tinnitus, balancing problems and vertigo got worse. Tinnitus is everyday. I decided to see if CI will help reduce or remove those three situations, it varies upon the individual. There is no clear answer but in my understanding the percentage of reducing or emlimate the tinnitus is big (I think 80% ish I need to find the resources for correct information.)
It is a RISK because after surgery, the tinnitus could be gone, less or worse. Cant predict.
in my case, tinnitus was gone which i am glad. but less balancing problems. I have not yet experience vertigo (knock on wood not to have it). I am grateful for that as it was a good but risky decision to have CI. I am also glad to hear sounds again as I call CI as "advanced hearing aids". In addition, I continue to use ASL as it is my communication mode.
Hope that helps?

Steve L said...

I do have tinnitus since '93, it hasn't stopped since, constant 24/7/365. Yes it drive me nuts!!! it doesnt matter if I use Hearing Aid or not. I spoke to doctor long ago, said many things alike caffine, chocolate, coffee, soda, you name it - including smoking cigarettes, or even listen to loud music caused it when in younger age. I don't think CI helps. It doesn't make difference - look at 'hearing' people, if they do have tinnitus. how are they gonna use CI?! that's just a myth. Its what you eat or what you drink or what you do. Just need to adjustment your lifestyle. there's no cure for it yet. Just live with it... 'til one day it'll go away but may come back. *knock wood*

I live with it everyday its really annoying me but what can I do. I'm not gonna get CI or drink herb tea or whatsoever. that's just a myth.

(deaf at birth)


Akscorp65 said...

Hi, I am CI user, I do have meniers Diseases, I got this Disease back in 1999, The meniers with Tinnitus is the Worse happen to me, I had tried all kind of treaments, But the last try is the Cochlear Implant, At first, I didn't believes my DR were telling that the only hope that CI can help reduce and or stop the Viertigo, But there is no cure only if you have too much salt, soduims, caffianies, sodas here and there, So try not to take too much and cut down to your balance and less stress and less work, but the only is allaegies does come and go too. Some individual are diffrences, as for me, I am greatfull not having dizzy that often, One to five a year is no problems, Just take care of it. Good luck to you all and hope everyhting will be ok it out. Truly Andy