Saturday, August 18, 2007

For Deafread members, Where is Lois, the Deaf elderly v/blogger?

I realized Lois who is the Deaf elderly v/blogger hasn't been around in the lately. Where is she? I hope Lois is doing okay. I miss seeing her unique shows. In my opinion, Lois is the oldest Deaf v/blogger of all.


Lantana said...

I was just thinking of her, too! She did not strike me as the kind of person who would get scared off easily (or at all).

Lois! We need to hear from you!


Epeachy News' Blog said...


I know her. Her website is

She is the webmaster for this website.

I believe she is still alive.

Squ65 said...

Thanks! Yes Lois is alive! Nice to see her face again in her own website. Hope Lois comes back here. Again I hope one of the unfriendly bloggers won't scare her away.