Sunday, October 7, 2007

10th Anniversary of In Honor of Marie Philip event

Look up the website -- about Marie Philip

Deaf gathering, activities, and refreshments. The Late Marie Philip, a well known Deaf woman who studied Bi-Bi. The event was held at the Learning Center for the Deaf, MA on October 6th, 2007. Marie is greatly missed by her wonderful Deaf family and the Deaf Community.


RLM said...


Thanks a zillion for notifying us about the latest celebration of late Marie Philip for her devotion to the betterment of deaf education, especially bi-bi approach.

Is there anything visual or printed materials from last Saturday's honor of Marie Philip? Did someone videorecord or took photographs of that event?

That would be really nice if you post some photos and video clips, etc.

We surely miss Marie Philip for her dedication to the approachable methods for teaching deaf youngsters with our own language and written English.

Could you please kindly post the photo of Marie Philip on your blog/vlog? Thanks again!

Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Epeachy News' Blog said...

I knew Marie at Gally. Marie and I worked together at Washington Post during the summer school. We had a good time together. I sure missed her. I never met her family. Did anyone take a picture of the family at the event?

Squ65 said...

Here is the link that you might want to see .. I don't have the videorecord or photograph of the recent event. Sorry .. I hope this will help or you can look up the google to learn more about her.