Monday, April 14, 2008

Clarification about myself and my perspective of CI

I want to clarify this to you all. Hope you have a good week!


Unknown said...

the mind set of not supporting children getting ci's is getting old.

im a deaf parent with a deaf child with ci. thek id is doing great.

you can not speak for me as you are not my child's parent. you can speak for your own only.

Squ65 said...

Deaf Community and CI is a big clash so don't forget that. It is a very heavy issue for all of us. I understand you did your best for your wonderful child. Yes I can speak for my own .. but advocate for the Deaf/HH children who want to speak up for themselves. They have voice too. Good luck! Smile ...

Deaf American said...

native asl/ci parent and child

we feel sorry for people who think deaf people need fixing.

we parents know what is best for our children, too. they are just fine the way they are.

i noticed that there are no asl vlogs coming from ci people. no asl skills or no self esteem. that is something i do not want my child to self esteem.