Monday, July 14, 2008

Why this goes wrong? "Unity" and "Unity Shattered"

This artwork was sold at DeaFestival, 
"Unity Shattered!"
Photoshopped By DAS
Ex-Deaf Oralist and Pride ASL-er, Diane

1 comment:

mishkazena said...

I don't think there was Deaf unity in the last few years. Perhaps the last one was during DPN.

Some people told me that they felt oppressed and rejected due to their beliefs during UfG. Even though apparently most did experience Deaf Unity. But it wasn't shared with all.

I've seen a lot of bickering since last summer.

We need to have an open discourse and explore why so many people feel they are not accepted. That's the crux of the problem. The diversity among the Deaf Community isn't embraced like many people claim.

Now it's the time to roll up our sleeves and discuss this openly and honestly. I hope so, for the sake of the diversity among the D/deaf community.
