Sunday, July 15, 2007

SSI + Volunteering a job = Perfect for Resume!

Collect SSI bec Can't find a job? Why Not volunteering! Less Guilty and perfect for your resume! It helps!


Todd said...

I find it admirable that Deaf people, drawing upon SSI funds, undertake volunteering at their local organizations. Obviously, I'd rather that these Deaf people get jobs, so these volunteer opportunities better be limited in scope and duration.

One other suggestion; if a SSI recipient is considering volunteering, how about working for a mainstream organization instead of a Deaf organization? Yes, I am well aware that even if a Deaf person is seeking volunteer opportunities, they still get discriminated against.

This way, a Deaf person can interact with the mainstream organizations, and gain an invaluable network of contacts, not to mention nicely rounding up their resume.

Bottom line, volunteer when you can, doing things you love doing, but get gainful employment ASAP.

Epeachy News' Blog said...

Volunteering is a good way to meet a lot of different people. Many employers value volunteering experience.

Lantana said...

I agree, volunteering opens the field wide and gives you the opportunity to meet new people, which just MIGHT lead to a real, "paying" job.

Nice post, Here I Am!


Unknown said...

I also get SSI, but am also going back to school and am a volunteer with a local nonprofit in doing computer refurbishing. They give the refurbished computers to their students. So far, I am enjoying it quite a bit out there, even though the nonprofit is a small one.

I've got a bit of a science background, which can be perfect at a museum which does science demos. I used to do this before and had quite a bit of fun doing so.

Let's see... A lab jacket to give me the mad scientist look.

Yeah, I can do it. [laughs]

OCDAC said... missed this important blog entry regarding the future of deaf society. A deaf society that can adapt themselves to make their lives better.

Dont forget to bookmark or add to your RSS list.


drmzz said...

Volunteering is good investment for future jobs. Leads to potential openings via networking. One can't expect jobs to come to person's home. One has to put himself/herself out there in the field to be visual and meet people who may know of job openings or give job offers. Good advice.