Sunday, July 15, 2007

What is the sign for objective (goal)?

Share my story about my Gallaudet hearing professor who signs SEE/PSE. Today I occassionally watch Bob's vlogs -- Deja vu!
No offense but I thought it is funny anyway.


B.A.D. said...

Hi Diane!

Good to see you Vlogging!!

OMG! I never saw the "finger" and "O" for Objective, once they see that, when the teacher signs it over and over, it surely throws you off to what the topic she is talking about. I can't believe she ignored you!!

Where's her respect for students? GRRRR!!


LaRonda said...

Thank you for being respectful now that we have a younger viewing audience with us on DeafRead. I'm sure people understood your meaning without having to be blunt. It's always good to clarify signs so that they are not misinterpreted in a bad way.


~ LaRonda

Deaf Woman said...

LOL!! Never saw this sign, but you got it's distracting and of course, it threw you off as it would have done to me, too, if I was in your classroom when the teacher signed that sign. I sign the same way as you did with the word, objective.
Thanks for sharing this and giving us a good laugh...not funny yet still funny in an ironic way.
Keep on vlogging, enjoy watching you share your thoughts! Have a great day!